Scottish Glory Blended Scotch Whiskey - 750ml
The nose of this Blended Scotch Whisky is a captivating blend of malty and spicy aromas, with delicate hints of soft fruit and oak. Notes of toffee apples and honey add a touch of sweetness, creating a harmonious and inviting aroma. On the palate, the whisky is light and refreshing, with subtle notes of cardamom and cinnamon. The texture is soft and creamy, with an initial sweetness that gradually mellows into a more gentle spiciness, providing a well-balanced and enjoyable drinking experience. The flavor profile of this Blended Scotch Whisky is a delightful combination of peaches and cream, with a hint of pear drops. When a touch of water is added, the whisky reveals more floral and fruity notes, such as mandarin, grapefruit, and heather honey, adding depth and complexity to the overall flavor profile.