SOKA combines distillates of fermented fresh sorghum juice and syrup. The fresh juice lends springy, green flavors of melon, cucumber, and green apple, with the syrup bringing forward darker aromas of harvest and notes of hay and toasted honey.
Charlene McGee NV - 750ml
Soka NV - 750ml
Ayuuk NV - 750ml
Symphony 6 NV - 750ml
Can 01 - 12oz
Can 02 - 12oz
Can 03 - 12oz
The Plum, I Suppose NV - 750ml
"Hurluberlu" St Nicolas de Bourgueil - 2023
"Hurluberlu" St Nicolas de Bourgueil - 2022
"Hopla" Cider - 2020
"Hippolyte" VDF Rouge - 2022