CAN 03 opens with citrusy front notes of lemongrass, lemon myrtle, and Andaliman pepper. Carob, coffee chaff, and golden Yunnan tea provide a warming, earthy depth, with the fragrant coconut-like fig leaf rounding out this highly refreshing blend.
Charlene McGee NV - 750ml
Soka NV - 750ml
Ayuuk NV - 750ml
Symphony 6 NV - 750ml
Can 01 - 12oz
Can 02 - 12oz
Can 03 - 12oz
The Plum, I Suppose NV - 750ml
"Hurluberlu" St Nicolas de Bourgueil - 2023 KEG
"Hurluberlu" St Nicolas de Bourgueil - 2023
"Hurluberlu" St Nicolas de Bourgueil - 2022 - 1.5L
"Hopla" Cider - 2020